Call for Papers
Brain Injury Australia invites people with a brain injury, their family members, researchers, clinicians, allied health professionals, service providers and policymakers to submit a presentation proposal for its 7th National Brain Injury Conference – to be held, in partnership with the Melbourne Disability Institute, in the 500-seat B117 Lecture Theatre at the Melbourne School of Design on The University of Melbourne’s campus in Parkville on Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th October 2019.
Brain Injury Australia’s Conference has become one of the premier learning and development events on the disability calendar – driving improvements in services and supports for the over 700,000 Australians living with a brain injury, their families and carers.
Share your knowledge with a large national and international audience. Connect with people with lived experience of brain injury as well as colleagues from the healthcare and disability sectors, research and government. Network with potential collaborators, and funders. Gain recognition as an expert in your chosen field.
The Conference organisers would especially welcome proposals in the following subject areas:
- the lived experience of brain injury – consumers, significant others, family members;
- innovations in evidence-based approaches to the treatment, rehabilitation and overall care of people with a brain injury;
- the National Disability Insurance Scheme;
- mild traumatic brain injury/ post-concussion syndrome;
- peer supports, mentoring of people with a brain injury;
- brain injury in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities;
- management of “challenging behaviours”;
- domestic and family violence and brain injury;
- alcohol and other drug-related brain injury; and
- brain injury in the military; and
- the prevention of brain injury
The Conference will have varied presentations including panels and single speaker sessions. Your proposal can be: an oral presentation; a “snapshot” (a 10-15 minute overview of a underacknowledged topic, or a research finding, in brain injury); the “Consumer Opening Address” to the Conference (by someone with lived experience of the disability); or a topic for a panel discussion.
To give you an idea of the Conference format, you can view the program for the 6th National Brain Injury Conference – held in partnership with Brisbane’s Princess Alexandra Hospital’s Division of Rehabilitation and Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service – here.
Each proposal will be assessed by the Conference’s Organising Committee, comprising representatives from Brain Injury Australia and the Melbourne Disability Institute.
Deadline allowance: 5pm Wednesday 10th July 2019
While the CFP deadline is officially closed – we will still welcome abstracts until Wednesday 10th July. If you still would like to submit a paper, then please submit through the link below.
Notification of acceptance: 5pm Monday 15th July 2019
For any enquiries regarding presentation submissions or the Conference program, please email:
For all general enquiries about the Conference, please contact:
I look forward to seeing you at the 7th National Brain Injury Conference in Melbourne in October.
Nick Rushworth
Executive Officer
Brain Injury Australia
Conference Chair

Conference Partner

Keynote Sponsor

Conference Airline

Conference Producer

For more information,
Interpoint Events Pty Ltd
A division of The Intermedia Group
ABN: 98 104 512 469
PO Box 55, Glebe NSW 2037
P 1300 789 845
F 02 9660 4419