Dr Raphael Grzebieta
Dr. Raphael Grzebieta is Professor Emeritus at the Transport and Road Safety Research Centre within the School of Aviation at UNSW Sydney. He’s also Adjunct Professor at Monash University’s Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine. Over his 25 years at Monash and 11 years at UNSW Sydney, he supervised numerous PhD graduates, co-authored over 350 research papers and led major Australian Research Council, government and industry-funded research projects on vehicle and road infrastructure crashworthiness, structures subjected to impact loading, motorcycle safety, cyclist safety, injury biomechanics, heavy vehicle safety, naturalistic driving studies and lately quad bike safety. He regularly provides expert evidence for coroners, police, public prosecutors, work regulators, compulsory third party insurers and law firms. Among his awards, he was recently presented the annual 2019 Kenneth Stonnex Award for improving road safety by the United States’ National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Transportation Research Board’s Roadside Safety Design Committee.