Eva Sifis
Eva’s colourful life lived, half without and half with what was severe brain injury, her former career as an international performer in dance informed her physical rehabilitation to a large extent. Her drive, determination and self-belief assuring a life-long recovery that continues to feed her curiosity and investigation into what makes us all “better”. Utilising her discoveries Eva has built Australia’s first and only peer-initiated, developed and led training for her peers with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), “By Accident” (currently supported by Victorian self-advocacy organisation “Brain Injury Matters”. Eva lives in Melbourne where she works as a producer and presenter with Arts Access Victoria and Theatre Network Australia. Her award-winning “Voice At The Table” informs organisations about the value of including people with cognitive disabilities ‘at the table’. She also advises Small Business Victoria on their panel of small business owners, and consults for Women with Disabilities Victoria and the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations.