Rachel Ramirez
Rachel Ramirez is the Founder and Director of The Center on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury, a project of the Ohio Domestic Violence Network in the United States. The Center provides statewide, national, and international leadership to raise awareness on the emerging area of brain injury caused by Domestic and Family Violence. The Center increases collaboration among systems, and provides training, technical assistance, consultation, research, and resource development for researchers and direct service providers. For the past 13 years at the Network, Rachel has led multiple initiatives on trauma-informed approaches, mental health and substance use, with a recent national focus on partner-inflicted brain injury. She co-authored Trauma-Informed Approaches: Promising Practices and Protocols for Ohio’s Domestic Violence Programs, as well as peer-reviewed research studies in the Journal of Family Violence and the Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma.